Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Reading Notes: Epified: Mahabharata videos, Part D

Mahabharata Episode 27 - Draupadi's Swayamwara
Everyone is excited to try to win the hand of Draupadi.
The Pandavas attend the Swayamwara.
The challenge is to shoot a bow and hit a fish in they eye 
The bow is heavy and no one can do it
Arjun (dressed as a Brahmin) completes the challenge
He takes Draupadi's hand in marriage

Mahabharata Episode 28 - Karna's Humiliation
It is revealed that Draupadi said something mean to Karna during the challenge and humiliated him

Mahabharata Episode 29 - Draupadi's Husbans
The Pandavas return to their hut
Kunti tells the boys to share whatever they had brought home...which was Draupadi
This is an interesting twist!
We see that Draupadi was destined to become the wife of 5 husbands

Mahabharata Episode 30 - Return to Hastinapura
Draupadi's brother was a witness to the marriage to the Pandavas
He goes back and reveals to Draupid Arjun's true identity
The news of the marriage spreads like wildfire and everyone gossips
This would be an interesting place to create a story! No one likes rumors flying around about them.
The Pandavas are welcomed back to Hastinapura

Mahabharata Episode 31 - Creation of Indraprastha
The Pandavas know they shouldn't stay in Hastinapura with their jealous cousins
Krishna invites a divine architect to create a palace for the Pandavas
...they set the forests on fire
they then create the kingdom and it is beautiful

Mahabharata Episode 32 - Narada visits Indraprastha
Krishna leaves the Pandavas and meets Narad, whom he tells to meet the Ps
Narad is worried when he meets Draupadi
He tells them the story of brothers who fell in love with the same woman and it didn't end well
He warns them that their situation could end the same way
He suggest that each brother keep Draupadi as their wife for a year
If they fail to abide they will be exiled for 12 years

Mahabharata Episode 33 - Arjuna's Exile
Everything is working fine until one day
Arjun hears a Brahmin screaming about teens who stole his cows
He goes to get his weapons out of Y's chambers....but he knew this would result in his exile
Arjun helps the Brahmin and then returns, filled with shame
He sentences himself to the 12 year exile, even though everyone begs him to stay

Mahabharata Episode 34 - Arjun's Journey
Arjun leaves with a group of Brahmins
He sets up camp by a lake
Arjun is tempted by by Ulupi
They stay together in the lake for some time
Then they leave their camp by the lake
They all have beards
The Brahmins give up and leave...Arjun continues
Arjun, disguised as a Brahmin, stays and Chitrasen's palace and falls in love with his daughter
They have a son
They leave again

Mahabharata Episode 35 - Arjun reaches Dwarka
Arjun tells Krishna of his experiences, which he learns were destined to happen
He confesses his feelings toward Krishna's sister, Subhadra
They devise a plan
Subhadra falls in love with him
Arjun abducts Subhadra on a chariot (as planned by Krishna)

(Arjun abducts Subhadra on the chariot and the escape together! Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Author:  Epified TV (India)

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Story: Kale's Quest

Kale was a normal young boy, full of spirit and adventure. In grade school, he loved going to school and interacting with his peers. His energetic personality made him loved by all of his classmates and teachers. From a young age, Kale's eyes gleamed every chance he got to hold a football. Athletics were something that appeared to come very natural to him. Kale had a great family life as well. He was constantly supported by his parents. His mother beamed in the stands every time he played in a football game and his dad jumped at any chance to play catch with his beloved son. Kale appeared to live the picture-perfect life. However, things took a turn as he entered high school.

Kale continued to excel in athletics. He was a star both in the classroom and on the field. He continued to grow bigger and stronger. But as he continued to grow, he started to feel different. He found himself growing much taller than the rest of his family, something that made him an all-star on the football field. Kale was extremely fast and naturally very athletic. He worked hard to develop his strengths, but he was born with a great deal of natural talent. No one else in his family had been very good at sports. Whenever Kale would ask his dad about his high school football career, his father would shy away from the topic.

Kale often found himself wondering what made him different. How did he acquire talent? He started to notice that he looked different than everyone in his family too. His hair and eyes were darker. His skin had a different tint. Was he being ridiculous? Did every teen go through this identity crisis? Going into his senior year, Kale was surrounded by stressors. He was worried about grades, college applications, and being scouted by coaches with the hopes of playing college football. He concluded that his suspicions were all stemming from his stress. He decided not to think about it any longer and went to bed.

That night, Kale had a dream. In this dream, he was a small child floating down a river in a basket. He was scared and did not know where he was. How did he get here? Who put him in the basket? Then, a man and woman came running toward him and scooped him out of the water. They were confused and concerned. He could tell that they weren’t the ones who put him in the basket. But with a loving heart, they took him home to feed and clothe him. When the people turned around, he realized that they were his parents.

He gasped and sat up in bed.

Kale knew that he had to talk to his parents. These thoughts weren’t letting him rest.

The very next day, Kale told his parents that he wanted to talk to them. Always eager to help their precious son, they immediately turned off the TV and sat down with him. Nervously, Kale stared at his feet and spilled every uncertainty that he had about his identity. When he looked up he almost expected to see his parents laughing…but instead he only saw tears.

Kale’s mother proceeded to tell him that he was, in fact, adopted. Kale’s parents had been unable to conceive a child when they finally turned to adoption. He learned that they didn’t know much about Kale’s birth parents other than that they were exceptional athletes and not prepared, emotionally or financially, to care for a child at the time of his birth. She explained that giving up a child was hard for the couple, but that they knew it was the right thing to do. The couple trusted them to take care of Kale and raise him to chase whatever dreams he had. With tears streaming down her face, she looked up to Kale and told him that she hoped they had met their wishes.

Kale rose to his feet. He couldn’t believe that his wild, irrational thoughts were true. He went to his room to think. He wasn’t sure how to feel. He had so many questions. With tears in his eyes, he lay down on his bed.

At that moment, visions of the baby in the basket filled his mind. He reflected on the man and woman who grabbed the baby from the water. They weren't expecting to find a baby that day in the water. They had no idea who that baby would grow up to be. Would he be kind? Athletic? Creative? There was no way for them to know. Even though the baby was not biologically theirs, they put their lives on hold to welcome them into their family. Kale's parents did the same thing. Adoption is a selfless act. A smile came to Kale's face as he realized the immense amount of love and courage that his parents had in their hearts. Reflecting upon that vivid dream, Kale realized that he was extremely fortunate. He couldn't be happier for the series of events that gave him the most loving parents in the world.

(The dream that changed Kale's life. Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Author’s Note: For this story, I was inspired by Episode 18 of the Epified version of the Mahabharata. This episode is titled 'Karna's Quest' which is why I decided to title my story “Kale’s Quest." I tried to use Karna’s character and turn him into a more modern character: Kale. In the original episode, Karna learns secrets about his past. He is informed that when he was a baby, he was found floating down the river in a basket. This means that he has no idea who his real family is or why he has his strength. I thought it would be interesting to use these feelings of confusion and curiosity to create a story of a child learning that he was adopted. Where did I come from? Why am I the way that I am? These are questions that Karna had and questions than an adopted child faces as well. I had fun turning this epic into a story that could easily happen in real life. Adoption is a topic close to my heart and I enjoyed writing a story about the struggle that children sometimes must face. I decided to implement the river part of the original story as part of Kale’s dream to add a twist. I liked being able to blend the original story into my own thoughts to create something totally new.

Title:  The Mahabharata: Karmic Revolution (Part C)
Author:  Epified TV (India)

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Reading Notes: Epified: Mahabharata videos, Part C

Mahabharata Episode 18 - Karna's Quest
Karna was born with gifts and new that there was something different about him
Karna learns that he was found floating in a basket in the river. This has to be a shocking discovery! It would be fun to write a story like this where a child finds out he is adopted...but special.
Karna wants to fight but no one will teach him because of his past

Mahabharata Episode 19 - The Kshatriya
Someone finally accepts Karna and agrees to teach him
Karna became an amazing fighter
Karna ignores the pain of a scorpion sting but refuses to move bc his teacher is sleeping on his lap
The teacher doesn't believe this story and sends him away, putting a curse on him!
When K needs his powers the most, he will forget them

Mahabharata Episode 20 - Karna Becomes King
A tournament is organized to display the strengths of the Pandavas
Karna wants to fights the Pandavas but he has to be royal
All K knows is his basket story....everyone laughs.....but Kunti freaks out

Mahabharata Episode 21 - Drupada Humiliates Drona
Drupada always jokes/promises that he would give Drona half of his kingdom
Drona actually hopes to be helped by Dru once he is older, married, and with a child
Old Drona is mean and refuses to help, saying he didn't remember this promise

Mahabharata Episode 22 - Wax Palace Conspiracy
A plot is made to end the Pandavas by their cousins
They make a story that there is a ceremony that the P's must attend
The flammable palace is created

Mahabharata Episode 23 - Pandavas Escape
The Pandavas are welcomed by the people
They move into the sketchy palace
They're not stupid and realize this is a trap
They dig a tunnel into the forrest....so sneaky
Bhima sets fire to the palace and the P's & Kunti escape through the secret tunnel
Everyone thinks that they perished

Mahabharata Episode 24 - Bhima's Day
They've taken refuge in the forest and it is wearing on everyone
Bhima takes care of everyone...literally carries them all
B sets out to find water for his fam
Poor guy has to be exhausted. It is so sweet how he is taking care of them!!
He stays up to guard the fam

Mahabharata Episode 25 - Bhima Kills Bakasura
The Pandavas & K disguise themselves as beggars and live as such
Here we learn the story of Bakasura: the scary dude who eats everyone
The family telling Kunti this story is the family who has to sacrifice a member this time. This story was just as heart wrenching as the first time I heard it! Even more so with the visual!
Bhima kills Bakasura and everyone rejoices!

Mahabharata Episode 26 - The Birth of Draupadi
A son is created to protect Draupada
A daughter is also born......Draupadi
The sages predict that Draupadi will be the cause of destruction
She grows to be beautiful and needs to be wed

(The story takes a turn when the Pandavas secretly escape the burning palace. Source)

Author:  Epified TV (India)

Monday, October 10, 2016

Week 8 Growth Mindset

As we approach the middle of the semester, it was great to go back and reflect upon my growth mindset blog post. At the time, I predicted classes that were going to discourage me. Update: I was correct. I'm at the point in the semester where the stress is high and the motivation is getting lower. Reminding myself of the growth mindset was just what I needed.

Being that this is my senior year, I am surrounded by stressors. I'm trying to do well in my classes while also trying to figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life. For a control freak like me, this has been an overwhelming process.

During this time, I have found myself comparing myself to others. I feel like everyone else has it all figured out and I don't. This is one of my biggest weaknesses. I need to remember the growth mindset and that I should be focusing on my own progress. It's important to remember that everyone's journey is different and I shouldn't be comparing myself to others.

However, during college I have also strengthened my growth mindset in many ways. Coming from a small town of roughly 550 people, traveling to The University of Oklahoma was a huge leap out of my comfort zone. Since then, I think that I have continued to take risks and do things that push me out of my normal comfort zone where I have plenty of control.

I have also learned to deal with change. This used to be one of my biggest weaknesses and it is still something that I struggle with, but I have definitely improved. I have had a variety of curveballs thrown at me since the beginning of my college journey. I have learned to accept the things I cannot change and focus on the things I can, such as my attitude.

This class has helped me by simply reminding me of the growth mindset! It has also helped me step (once again) out of my comfort zone and into a world of brand new stories and creative writing. This is unlike anything I have ever done, but I have had a great time with it. I have used this class to escape my comfort zone and reality and jump into a world where I am free to be as creative as I want. I believe that this is really helping me to grow, not only as a writer but in my every-day life.

(I try to remind myself of this every day! Source: flickr)

Week 8 Reflections

This class has been an eye-opening experience for me. I expected to learn a lot about Indian culture, but what I didn't expect was that I would learn so much about effective reading and my own personal writing style.

I've had an awesome time with the readings so far this semester. I love to read, but I get so caught up in school that I often forget to take time to read for fun. In this class, I have been reading for school, but I'm reading things that I actually enjoy. I've gotten a lot better at taking good reading notes that are easy for me to reflect back on later in the week and develop into a story. I'm excited to keep experiencing new readings. I'm currently in the middle of watching the Epified videos retelling the Mahabharata and I am absolutely loving them! I am a very visual person and watching these videos is helping me to better understand the story that I spent two weeks reading.

Additionally, I have really surprised myself as a writer. I don't mind writing and I have always enjoyed exploring my creative side, but I never thought that I could come up with so many ideas for fictional stories! I have actually had a lot of fun with it and it has come more naturally than I expected. I'm so glad that I chose to do a Portfolio, because I have really enjoyed exploring a wide variety of storytelling ideas. I want to continue to try new things and have a diverse range of stories in my Portfolio. I'm really proud of how it has turned out so far and I can't wait to add more.

I have also liked reading my classmates' stories. This has helped inspire me and give me ideas for new storytelling methods. In addition, I also notice some common grammar mistakes in others' writing that I frequently make in my own. I feel like I have done a good job of reading for these mistakes and I have really appreciated classmates pointing out my errors as well! Having each other for proofreading and revising has made the editing process much easier. I want to continue to give very honest feedback to help my classmates make their writing the best it can be.

Overall, I'm having a great time with this class. I think that I am learning and growing as a writer while also learning so much about a culture that used to be very foreign to me.

(This class has given me a new outlet to express my creativity! Source: flickr)

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Story: Ms. Diana Trains the Pandra Sisters

There were once five sisters: the Pandra Sisters. These girls, Yareli, Brittney, Alice, Natalie and Serena, were very close in age and best friends. It was apparent from a young age that these girls shared a special gift. From the time they could hold a crayon, all five girls showed a love for art. They all loved to paint, draw, and build. Mrs. Pandra would often catch the girls cutting up doll clothes to create new outfits. As the girls grew, their talents only continued to flourish. What started as five-star drawings on the refrigerator soon turned into contest-winning art pieces at school.

Mr. and Mrs. Pandra were extremely proud of their girls and encouraged their creativity. But knowing that neither of them had any background in art or design, they worried that they wouldn’t be able to help their daughters meet their potential. The parents sat down one evening and scoured the phone book and internet looking for any kind of art teacher. Some had great reviews, but insane prices; others were affordable but didn’t seem credible. Discouraged, the two went to bed. They prayed that they would find a way to help their daughters succeed.

The very next day, the five girls were playing at recess when Brittney overestimated her balance and fell off the monkey bars. When she fell, her pants got caught on the bars and ripped completely. Quick to help their sister, the other four Pandra girls surrounded her and ran to their teacher. Their teacher, unsure of what to do, sent them to Ms. Diana, the Home Economics teacher.

The girls had never met the Home Economics teacher before, but wasted no time running to her classroom. Ms. Diana welcomed the girls with a smile and told them to come in. She assessed the damage and told Brittney that there was no way that the pants could go back to how they used to be but asked if she could try something new. Brittney, desperate for some pants, eagerly complied. With that, Ms. Diana began snipping and sewing and quickly presented an all-new skirt. Brittney beamed as she put it on. It was more beautiful than her original outfit! The girls couldn’t believe their eyes and ran home that afternoon to tell their mother all about their newfound hero.

Ms. Pandra was quite impressed! She immediately called Ms. Diana to thank her for saving her daughter from humiliation and making her day. The two women talked for some time and the conversation ended with Ms. Diana offering to work with the girls after school with art and design. Mrs. Pandra could not believe the luck and graciously accepted the offer. When she told her daughters the news, they could hardly contain their excitement!

From then on, the girls spent every day after school with Ms. Diana. The wise teacher had an incredible eye for individual talents. She found that Yareli was a master of creative ideas. Her mind contained designs and innovations that were unparalleled. Brittney was the queen of the pencil. She could listen to Yareli’s ideas and draw them to perfection. Alice and Natalie loved fashion. Ms. Diana set them up with sewing tools and learned that they had skills far beyond anyone their age. Lastly, Serena was the refiner. She could take the girls’ ideas and make them even better. She was always looking at the bigger picture and could tell how to bring Yareli’s ideas into fruition through the other sisters’ fine-tuned skills. Ms. Diana worked with the girls for years, continuing to develop their individual talents and bringing them together as a team.

By the time the girls were in high school, they were basically masters of design. They were making their own clothes and selling some of their designs on Etsy for extra cash. Ms. Diana could not have been more proud of the girls. Once they were old enough, she pitched the idea of entering competitions. The girls and their parents quickly agreed and loved the idea of a challenge! Ms. Diana continued to train the girls and perfect their skills. In no time they were ready for their designs to take the stage in the biggest fashion competition in the state.

When the girls arrived at the venue they looked eagerly around them. They couldn’t believe how far they had come! They looked to Ms. Diana, expecting to see the same look of excitement in her eyes. Instead, they saw a look of vengeance. They looked across the room to see a tall, well-dressed woman, about Ms. Diana’s age walking toward them with a smug look across her face. She stopped in front of the girls’ beloved teacher, looking her up and down before casting a sideward glance at the five girls.

“Ah Diana,” she said with a smirk. “We meet again.”

(The girls had a special gift for turning their creative visions into beautiful designs! Source: Pixabay)

Author’s Note: For this story, I used Episode 16, Drona Trains the Pandavas, from the Epified version of the Mahabharata. In this scene, Drona becomes the Pandavas' trainer and develops each of their individual strengths. Once I watched the Epified video, I understood the scene a lot better than I originally had. Seeing a visualization sparked some new ideas for me! I also really related to the story. As a Human Resources major, developing and individualization are two strengths that are very important to me! I love helping people use their individual strengths and learn to grow upon them. In a society that constantly tells you to work on your weaknesses, I believe that it’s more important to build on your strengths.

I decided to make a story that followed the guideline of the original story. However, instead of training warriors, Ms. Diana (taking the role of Drona) was training designers. The original episode ends with the Pandavas realizing that Drona had been training them for his own personal revenge reasons. That is why I ended the scene how I did, with Ms. Diana running into who appears to be an old competitor. I left the story on a cliffhanger, just as the Epified episode ended. The video left me wondering and I wanted my story to have the same effect. I had a great time taking this story in a new direction. It was very fun to write!

Title: The Mahabharata: Karmic Revolution, Episode 16
Author: Epified TV (India)

Reading Notes: Epified: Mahabharata videos, Part B

Mahabharata Episode 9 - Son of the Sun
Kunti's secret is revealed
She receives a mantra and summons the sun god
When he leaves, she is left with a child
She places the son in a basket, and puts him in a river

Mahabharata Episode 10 - Pandu's Curse
Pandu and his wives go to the woods
Pandu accidentally shoots hermit couple
Now when Pandu becomes intimate with a woman, he will die
They all stay in the forest
Kunti tells Pandu about her gift

Mahabharata Episode 11 - Sons of Pandu
Kunti calls upon the gods to bear their sons and the Pandavas are born!
Pandu's curse eventually gets the best of him and he dies

Mahabharata Episode 12 - One Hundred Sons
Gandhardi has a horrible pregnancy and births a lump of flesh
She was supposed to birth 100 sons and is very upset
They break the lump into 100 pieces and put them in vats
The children appear to be demonic
Kunti returns with the Pandavas

Mahabharata Episode 13 - Hate and Hurt
There is a feud between the children.
Duryodhan pushed Bheem into the lake
I hate the theme of feuding family! I wish they would all get along. I think it would be fun to write a story like this.

Mahabharata Episode 14 - The Magic Potion
Snakes attack Bheem in the water and Bheem fights them off
Vasuki's magic potion gives him strength
Time for Bheem to grow up

Mahabharata Episode 15 - Drona
Bheem returns and D is very confused
Drona retrieves the princes' ball from the well. This is a fun scene that could be made into a new story!
Drona becomes the boys' teacher

Mahabharata Episode 16 - Drona Trains the Pandavas

Drona discovers everyone's individual strengths. Finding everyone's special skills is such an important moment. I would like to write a story that followed this theme, maybe with a more modern setting.

Mahabharata Episode 17 - Ekalavya's Story
The Pandavas look for the archer who shot the arrows skillfully in the dog's mouth
He is a mere hunter
Arjuna is very jealous
The boys discover that Drona had been his teacher as well, but Drona has no remembrance of this
Ekalavya had crafted an image of Drona and used this as his guide
Drona asks E to cut off his thumb

These illustrations really helped me to better understand these stories! In this particular section, I realized that there were some details that I missed and characters that I was confused about. I am loving this series and gaining a better understanding of The Mahabharata.

(The Pandavas with their mother. Source: Wikipedia)

Author:  Epified TV (India)

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Reading Notes: Epified: Mahabharata videos, Part A

For this week's reading, I decided to watch the Mahabharata videos. I thought it would be interesting to hear the stories told in a new way and have a visual aid!

Mahabharata Episode 1 - Shantanu the Unfortunate
This explains that the Mahabharata is all about karma. This makes a lot of sense! Now that I have already read a version, I can see how early events come back into play later in the epic.
The story of Shantanu and Ganga (the 8 sons)
Ganga leaves and takes the last son

Mahabharata Episode 2 - Devavrata Returns
16 years after Ganga left Shantanu
Shantanu is reunited with his long lost son! This would be a fun story to write about.

Mahabharata Episode 3 - Devavrata Becomes Bhishma
Devavrata begs the fisherman to allow his father to marry his daughter
Devavrata makes an oath to never marry or father any children, just to make his father happy. This sacrifice and selfless love is inspiring.
Shantanu gives Devavrata a boon that he will be able to choose the time of his death

Mahabharata Episode 4 - Desperation of Bhishma
Bishma acts as a father to his half brothers
One brother dies and he is worried about the other one
Kidnaps princesses to find his brother a wife

Mahabharata Episode 5 - Amba's Ruin
Brings back the 3 princesses
Eldest princess has someone else she loves and leaves (Bishma lets it happen). He refuses Amba and tells her to beg Bishma for marriage, but here the oath comes back around and he says no.
Amba is very angry and blames Bishma for all of her misfortune--she is out for revenge

Mahabharata Episode 6 - Satyavati's Secret
Step-brother dies childless
Bishma is begged to break his vow, but he refuses
Satyavati reveals that Bishma has a brother who promised to appear when she summoned him. He is summoned.
The young women were afraid of the scary looking brother

Mahabharata Episode 7 - Sons of Vyasa
Woman closed her eyes and the son was born blind
Next women turned pale with fear and child born pale with bad health
Servant girl is accepting and loving
The three children are born and grow up under Bishma's wing

Mahabharata Episode 8 - The Blind Bride
Princess marries blind brother; says she always knew her husband would be blind. She blindfolds herself and gives up her sight.
Pandu (pale) marries two wives.

So far, I am loving the videos! They are really helping me to better understand the Mahabharata. Since I have already read the stories once, this new perspective helps me to grasp the details I may have missed the first time. The simple language and illustrations make it fun and easy to watch and understand.

(The doodles in the videos add to the appeal! Source: Pixabay)

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Reading Notes: Public Domain Mahabharata, Part D

Drona in Command
Brishma is slain and Drona takes over the armies.

Abhimanyu and Jayadratha
In this sad scene, Abhimanyu becomes stuck surrounded by enemies and is painfully slain. The Pandavas try to help him but are unable. His death was very sad.
Arjuna finds out that his son is dead and is devastated. He seeks revenge and successfully beheads his son's killer.

Bhima's son is killed and the Pandavas are heartbroken again.

Death of Drona
Drona's son is killed, meaning that Drona can now perish. He is killed.

Bhima and Duhshasana
Bhima completes his oath and kills Duhshasana and drinks his blood. This freaks people out...understandably so.

Duryodhana in the Lake
Duryodhana contemplates asking for mercy, but decides this isn't an option because of what he has done to the Pandavas. He hides underwater, then fights Bhima, who kicks him in the head.

The Night Raid
Ashwatthaman sets out to kill the Pandava sons in their sleep.

Ashwatthaman Cursed
Draupadi requests Ashwatthaman's head, but settles for the gem in his head that protects him from harm. I like the idea of this gem. I think it would be interesting to make a story about it. But instead of a gem, maybe something else.

King Yudhishthira's Horse/Horse Sacrifice 
In these scenes, there is another horse sacrifice. I think the use of animals throughout this scene and others is very interesting.

The Mongoose
I like the way that the folktale was put into the story. I thought it was a fun storytelling method. I think it would be interesting to make my own story that followed a similar pattern.

The Forest and its Ghosts
Vyasa says magical words and the ghosts of all who had died rise. It was touching to see them reunite with their loved ones. I can't imagine what that would feel like...especially when you have to say goodbye again. I think it would be interesting to write a story from the perspective of someone who lost a loved one and what it felt like to see them again.

The Pandavas Depart
I thought it was interesting that all of the Pandavas and Draupadi decided to leave earth together. They are very committed to each other. I thought it was very fitting to the story that their time on earth ended this way.

(The ghosts coming together at the river. Source)

Source: Public Domain Mahabharata