Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Story: Rama Fights for Sita

From the moment that Rama laid eyes on Sita, he knew that she would be his wife. He remembered the first day he saw her. She was taking a stroll through the meadow, singing joyfully to herself. She had no idea that Rama was watching. Her pure, carefree singing was enough to sweep Rama off his feet. Her long, dark hair shined under the sun and everything about her seemed effortless and wonderful. Rama instantly knew that he would do whatever it took to make Sita his bride.

Sita was the daughter of King Janaka. The king was very protective over his daughter and was extremely selective about who would get to marry her. He had heard of Rama. He knew that Rama was virtuous and strong with a noble heart. He thought perhaps that Rama could be fit to marry his daughter, but there was only one way to find out.

In order to marry Princess Sita, one had to engage in a challenge. There was a maze arranged in Janaka's kingdom. The maze's sole purpose was to select the chosen one who would marry Sita. Janaka had no control over who would win the maze. The maze was all-knowing and would test each man in ways that it knew would break them. Anyone who completed the maze was considered wise and powerful enough to marry the finest princess in the land.

On one fateful day, Rama received a letter. The letter glistened and gleamed when he opened it and Rama immediately knew that this was no ordinary message. He soon realized that he had been invited to compete in the maze for Sita's love. Ecstatic, he ran without stopping all the way to Janaka's kingdom. Rama knew that the maze was relentless. Men had been injured both physically and mentally from the things the maze was capable of. Most importantly, no one had ever completed it. Rama didn't care about the dangers and challenges of the maze. He would do anything to win Sita's heart.

When he arrived at the kingdom, King Janaka was waiting for him, sitting atop a throne. Standing below him were three other strong, determined men, who Rama realized were also fighting for Sita's love. The king informed the four men that a magical ring lay at the center of the maze. If any man were to reach it, he would be transported back to the king, who would then allow him to gift his daughter with the ring. At that, the men began stretching and preparing for the maze. At the king's demand, all four men entered the maze from different entries. The walls of the maze were made of vines that reached out and tried to grab the competitors. The walls reached so high, they seemed to touch the heavens. The maze was pitch black, lit with a faint eerie glow. Around each corner were traps and rakshasas, ready to fight and deter the men. Rama fought tirelessly for hours. His body was growing weaker, but his mind stayed strong. He knew that any sign of weakness could hinder him from winning his true love.

Throughout the night, Rama heard screams and wails of the other contestants. The screams lessened as time went on. He wondered if they were exiting the race. Then, a vine from the walls reached out and wrapped around his neck. Caught off guard, Rama was thrown to the ground. Using every last ounce of energy, he finally broke free from the vine. Tired, wounded, and struggling to breathe, Rama was not sure if he could stand back up. Just when he questioned whether or not he could go on, he heard the most beautiful noise. The noise was the purest voice singing the most beautiful melody. When he looked up, he realized that this must be the voice of his true love.

Rama jumped into action, and ran full-speed toward the voice, slashing through vines and letting nothing stop him. The noise was growing louder and he began to see a faint light in the distance. He ran toward the light and sound, and found what he knew was the magical ring. He looked around, trying to find the source of the music...but no one was there. Quickly, he grabbed the ring and was transported back to the beginning of the maze.

There he saw a tearful King Janaka and an overjoyed Princess Sita.

"Rama, son of Dasharatha!" King Janaka exclaimed. "You have succeeded at a task that many men before you have tried and failed! You and only you are worth of marrying my beloved daughter. I know that you will protect her just as I have protected her for all these years."

And with that, Rama presented Sita with the ring. Sita looked as beautiful as the day Rama first laid eyes on her. Her dark hair waved in the wind and a tear glistened down her beautiful, smiling face. Rama knew that every trial, both mental and physical, from the maze was well worth it. He would do it again in a heartbeat. He would do anything for Sita.

(The maze that a man must fight in order to win Sita's love. WikiMedia)

Author's Note: This story was inspired by the chapter "Rama Wins Sita" in the Public Domain Edition of The Ramayana. In the original story, Rama must bend Shiva's bow in order to win Sita, the woman he is in love with. This is the challenge set in place by her father, King Janaka. Of course, Rama breaks the bow and wins Sita. It was a relatively short story, so I wanted to change it up and make it longer. If you are a Harry Potter fan, you might have noticed that my story was inspired by the maze in the Triwizard Tournament from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I thought that incorporating one of my favorite movies into this story would be a fun twist. Since they both had elements of magic, it was fun to put them together. This was my first time to create my own story from an Indian epic, so using elements from another story made it a little easier for me. I enjoyed having the ability to morph one of my favorite movie scenes into this story. This helped me to realize how easy it can be to change up a story and how fun it can be!

Public Domain Ramayana: Rama Wins Sita

Reading Notes: Public Domain Ramayana, Part B

Dasharatha's Funeral
The emotion in this story really touched me. It was clear that Dasharatha was widely loved and respected. I could really feel the emotion of how sad this funeral was for everyone.

Rama and Bharata
I wish this section would have elaborated more about when the brothers were reunited. I think there could have been an intense scene where Bharata was searching for Rama. I can only imagine the emotions he might have been feeling. Was he scared that Rama would be injured or maybe even dead? I feel like his heart would have skipped a beat when he finally heard their voices and ran toward them. Of course he would be very happy to see his brother, but it would also be a somber moment due to the passing of their father.

I also thought that the exchange between the brothers about obeying the commands and good versus evil could be changed into a new story with a more modern theme.

The Sandals
I really liked this part of the story! The sandals that touched Rama's feet became a precious symbol. This reminded me of Cinderella. In both stories, it was known that a prince or princess would return to claim the shoe. I think there could be a creative way to connect these stories.

This was an interesting fight scene. It was different because he could not be killed with weapons. I think it would be interesting to make a more modern version of this story or switch it up  a little. I don't have any specific ideas at this time, but there is a lot of room for creativity here.

Shurpanakha and Rama
I thought it was kind of humorous that Rama passed Shurpanakha on to his brother. However, I thought it was sweet that he defended Sita without giving it a second thought.

The Golden Deer
I like that Sita was so fascinated by the golden deer. Poor sweet Rama would do anything to please her!

Jatayu and Ravana
I kind of thought that Jatayu was a very random character. I liked that he came in and tried to help.

Sita in Lanka
I love that Sita is so faithful to Rama. In this scene she denies Ravana's advances with great strength.

Rama and Jatayu
Jatayu is back and tells Rama what happened. It is so sweet that Jatayu gave his life for Rama and Sita. He is a great character!

I liked that this rakshasa was not what he appeared to be and actually ended up helping them.


(This beautifully colored image shows Ravana and Sita. Sita denying Ravana because of her love for Rama was one of my favorite parts today. Source)

Monday, August 29, 2016

Reading Notes: Public Domain Ramayana, Part A

Rama: Avatar of Vishnu
I thought this story was so interesting! I liked that after such an intense process for Dasharatha to have heirs, Vishnu is coming to earth as one of these sons. This is a serious plot twist. I think it would be fun to use this in Storytelling somehow.

In this story, I was drawn to how Lakshmana was feeling. Dasharatha was so worried about Rama and the whole story is really focusing on Rama. It is interesting to think about how Lakshmana felt. Did he resent Rama? Was he jealous? What was his personality like that helped him deal with this favoritism? This would be an easy place to create a spin-off story.

Thataka In this section, I was drawn to the mystical gifts that he receives. If I were to change the story, what is something that he could have received instead?

This is the story where Gautama curses Ahalya to be invisible because she was unfaithful. I think I could do a lot with this story! Since Ahalya was tricked by Indra, I think Ahalya should use her invisibility to seek revenge on him...or maybe all men.

This is the eternal heavenly love story of Sita and Rama. I love the possibilities that exist here.

King Janaka/Rama Wins Sita
This is the part where the king has a challenge set in place for anyone who wants to marry his daughter. The challenge is to bend the bow, but it would be fun to create a story with a different challenge!

Rama the Heir Apparent
Here, Rama is decided to be the obvious heir. Again, I think it would be fascinating to hear from the other brothers. Rama has always been the favorite. He is very virtuous and well-loved, but how do his siblings feel about his popularity? There is definitely room for elaboration here.

Rama is Banished
It really shocked me how willing Rama was to be banished. I'm not sure what I could do here to change the story, but this part really fascinated me.

Rama Goes into Exile
I thought it was very touching that his brother and wife were so determined to accompany him in his banishment.


(My favorite part of today's reading was when Rama won Shiva. Wikimedia)

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Growth Mindset

I really love the idea of a growth mindset. I have heard a little bit about the idea in other leadership classes that I have been a part of, but I really enjoyed learning more through these videos.

I think that as children, we are always pushed to learn and to grow. However, when we pass middle school, I think that that mindset changes. Instead of feeling like we are flourishing, we feel that we are being forced to meet a certain standard. We must pass, or else we fail. There is that constant fear of not being good enough. There are so many numbers that define us: grades, ACT/SAT scores, etc. I also believe that how people are raised determines how they deal with this pressure, especially after high school graduation. I think that those with a growth mindset are most likely to go to college and most likely to flourish there.

However, I also think that a growth mindset can be encouraged at any age. I don't think that it's too late to work on our growth mindsets! In fact, I think that it is increasingly important to encourage a growth mindset in college. College is hard and it is easy to get discouraged. Promoting a growth mindset will help students achieve the goal of college which is ultimately to further our education and become more competent adults.

I think that simply learning about the growth mindset is a great place to start. I'm very excited to work more with the concept in this class! I have some other classes that will really test me this semester, specifically in economics. Economics requires a much different way of thinking (reminder: I'm a HR major) and I do not doubt that I will become discouraged over the course of the semester. Hopefully, keeping the growth mindset in mind will help me through it!

(Having a growth mindset creates stronger minds! Source: Pixabay)

Friday, August 26, 2016

Starting the Semester Smart

The beginning of the semester comes with a lot of pressure. The amount of organization and preparation you do during this time can determine how relaxed or how stressed you will be when midterms and finals roll around.

For me, my planner is my #1 resource. I'm one of those girls who spends more time and money than I would like to admit on my planner, but I couldn't survive one week of college without it. I currently have an Erin Condren planner and I absolutely love it. However, you definitely don't have to spend a lot on a planner; any simple planner will do! But having one (and using it correctly) will save your life.

What helps me the most is sitting down at the beginning of the semester with my planner and all of my syllabi. I like to get colored pens and assign a color to every class and organization that I'm involved in. I then take out my course schedules and put every single due date or event into my planner with its coordinating color. I also like to highlight tests, presentations, or anything that is worth a substantial amount of my final grade.

This process takes some time, but then I have everything that I need to know for the entire semester all organized in one place. It instantly makes me feel less anxious and more in control of the semester.

After organizing my planner, I'm ready to take on the world. :)

(This isn't my planner, but this is the type of planner that I have! Flickr)

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Reading Options

For weeks 2 and 3, I have decided to read R. K. Narayan's Ramayana. I chose this option mostly because of the single, modern style. I love consistency, so I decided that this would probably be a better fit for me. Additionally, I was a little uneasy about the idea of reading a substantial amount off of my laptop. I own a Kindle that I love reading on, so I will likely buy R. K. Narayan's Ramayana that way.

Before this year, I knew very little about Indian culture or literature. However, in the spring semester I took a class called History of World Dance. We studied dances from around the world, which exposed me to a lot of culture and traditions. We had an entire unit covering India, so I have heard about the Ramayana and Mahabharata before. I was so excited when I saw familiar terms! Once I start reading more about them, I will probably get my World Dance textbook back out so I can see how the epics that we learn about in this class tie in to their cultural dances.

I chose to attach this photo because I recognized the names in the caption. It said that this was Parvati, Shiva, and the river goddesses. I remember from History of World Dance that Shiva was the god of creation and destruction. It has been very interesting for me to see these two classes tie together!

My Storybook Favorites

This storybook used a CSI theme to tell its story. I am a crime show fanatic, so this definitely caught my eye. The introduction was in the form of a journal entry that gives background information on the case. It explained that the character was investigating his grandfather's murder, but if the diary was being read, then he must be dead as well. It was very suspenseful; I felt like I was in a crime show! I skimmed through the stories and they were equally interesting. Each story covered a different death that was being investigated. I could tell that the stories were very well thought out and creative. The design of the storybook had a notebook background, which really completed the theme. It was very organized and easy to navigate. I really liked it!

(I loved that this person customized their own picture! Source: Storybook)

Project Runway: Indian Epics Edition

I was absolutely blown away by this storybook! The attention to detail was amazing. The theme was based off of the popular TV show Project Runway. The introduction set the scene by explaining that this was the season finale of Project Runway and that the theme was Indian Epics. The designers would have to used these epics to inspire their outfits. The wording that was used sounded just like an actual Project Runway episode. I skimmed through the stories and they were very thorough. They included actual pictures of the outfit collections and related each collection to an Indian epic. I was amazed by the creativity that went into this storybook! It was very well organized and extremely well executed.

(This is an example of one of the outfits that was said to be inspired by an epic. I thought this one was especially beautiful! Source: Storybook)

Kurma and Karma

This storybook was much different than the other two. This story was being told directly by two turtles! In the introduction, the younger turtle, Kurma, talks about what it's like being a turtle and introduces the concept of "Karma", which is also the elder turtle's name. This storybook was very lighthearted and fun. Kurma reminded me of the turtles in the movie Finding Nemo. As I was skimming through the rest of the stories, I noticed in the Author's Note that Kurma was actually an adaptation of a specific turtle from the movie. I really enjoyed the nautical theme and I thought that it was a fun way to tell a story.

(This little turtle was the image given to illustrate Kurma. Source: Storybook)

Introduction to a Smalltown Sooner

My name is Bentleigh Albert and I am from Forgan, Oklahoma. Forgan is a very small town up in the Panhandle of Oklahoma with a population just under 550 people. I graduated in a class of 12. As you can imagine, I was very close to everyone in my class! For the most part, the 12 of us were together from childhood to high school graduation. I loved growing up in a small town and I wholeheartedly believe that it helped shape me into who I am today. However, once I graduated high school, I was ready for something bigger. I had dreamed of attending The University of Oklahoma since I was a small child. I grew up going to the football games—I was truly “Sooner born and bred”. 

(OU's beautiful campus made me sure that I had to be a Sooner)

I am now a senior at OU, majoring in Human Resources Management. I love my major and I hope to specialize in recruiting or talent development. During my freshman year, I realized that I was drawn to the business college. I also realized that I really love working with people, and that is how I go into HR. This past summer, I had the amazing opportunity to intern in the HR Department of St. Anthony Hospital in Oklahoma City. St. Anthony has a culture unlike anything I have ever experienced and I absolutely fell in love with it. I love my major because I am able to experience the business side of a variety of different industries. With HR, I have the ability to support the employees that comprise these trades. I think the countless possibilities of where I could end up in the future are a lot of what makes me love HR!  

Additionally, I am a huge animal lover. I have two dogs back home, a Chaweenie (Chihuahua/Dachshund mix) and a German Shepherd. I love and miss them so much! I’m very obsessed with Dachshunds and Corgis. It is not uncommon for people to tag me on Facebook in any kind of cute dog video. Don't worry, I've attached my all-time favorite (Corgi Pool Party) to this post! I also love cats, but I’m unfortunately very allergic to them. Since I can’t own any, I just stick to owning a pretty impressive collection of cat shirts. 

So, that covers the surface of who I am as a person. I’m just your average animal-loving business major who had more people in her freshman dorm than her entire hometown!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Story: Princess Stella's Diamond

There once was a dog named Princess Stella. Stella was the most beautiful and adored dog in all the land. Her luscious, golden fur was brushed daily and a crown sat delicately atop her head. She was dressed in the finest fashions and there was nothing she loved more than sparkle and shine.

All of the royal pups longed to marry Princess Stella. However, they knew they would never catch her attention without a flashy gift. Stella was gifted with outfits from around the world, designer collars, and the most exclusive chew toys. Alas, none of these presents were enough to please the princess.

The princess was losing hope until one day, when one brave pup presented Stella with what he believed was the most impressive gift she would ever see. He bestowed Princess Stella a diamond. This was no ordinary diamond. This was the biggest diamond that existed in the land!

“Princess Stella!” the dog exclaimed, “I have searched high and low to find the most beautiful gift for the most beautiful princess. It took me years of my life and many miles of travel to find it. I have put every ounce of my resources into perfecting this gift for you.”

Princess Stella’s eyes were bigger than the diamond as she drooled over its beauty.

She squealed in excitement as she greedily ripped the diamond from the dog’s gracious paws. Impressed with the gesture, she ventured home to show off her new prized possession.

On her way home, she came across a castle with tall glass windows. Curious who could possibly live in this beautiful mansion, she took a look in the glass. On the other side she saw a beautiful dog. This dog had luscious, golden fur which must be brushed daily. She was dressed in the finest fashions and a crown sat delicately atop her head. But what shocked Stella the most was the size of the diamond that the dog on the other side was holding. Upset, Stella opened her mouth to bark at this princess. Who did she think she was!? Nobody deserved a diamond bigger than Princess Stella’s!

When Stella opened her mouth to bark at the dog on the other side of the glass, the precious diamond fell from her jaws and rolled into the gutter. Stella looked up to see the other dog’s diamond was gone as well. It was then that she realized that the dog she was staring at was her own reflection.

Jealousy caused Princess Stella to lose sight of how valuable of a gift she had received.

Author’s Note: I used the fable The Dog and the Shadow for this story. In this fable, the main character, a dog, has a piece of meat that he is carrying home. As he crosses the water, he sees his reflection. He mistakes this reflection for another dog with a different piece of meat. When he barks at the “dog”, he drops his meat into the water, losing it forever. I changed this story to be about a fabulous dog who is very materialistic. The moral of the story remains the same: don’t lose sight of what you already have by chasing what you don’t have.

Bibliography: The Dog and the Shadow from The Fables of Aesop by Joseph Jacobs, Web Source

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Favorite Place

One of my favorite places on earth is Arezzo, Italy. This is a place that is very special to me for a variety of reasons. The summer after my freshman year, I had the amazing opportunity to study abroad for two and a half weeks with the President's Leadership Class. This was my first time traveling overseas and it changed my life completely. Being in a country where I could not speak or even understand the language was scary, but also humbling. In those few short weeks, I realized how big the world really was. Since then, I have thirsted to travel more and see as much of the world as possible.

At The University of Oklahoma, we are very fortunate to have a considerable amount of opportunities to travel abroad for education. Many students have had the opportunity to travel to Arezzo; it is probably becoming a more common "favorite place". I love Arezzo because of the beautiful architecture, amazing food, but most importantly, because I was able to dive head first into a culture completely foreign to me.

Traveling abroad truly changed my life and I will always cherish the memories and perspectives that I gained.
 (My study abroad group)

 (Streets of Arezzo: Wikimedia Commons)

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