Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Class Improvements

I had such a great experience with this class that it is hard for me to imagine how to make this class better. I will touch on each of the ideas that were mentioned:

Change Review Weeks to Planning Weeks
I'm not sure how I feel about this one. The review weeks were such a breath of fresh air for me and always came at the perfect time. They broke up the regular work and made everything feel more manageable, in my opinion. I think the biggest "planning" error is that people don't understand the idea of creating their own due dates. I know I was confused about this in the beginning. We are told that we create our own deadlines, but then there are deadlines on Canvas. Maybe changing the due dates to have the 2 readings and storytelling all due on Wednesday (or maybe even Friday?) and everything else due Sunday (like it currently is). This way you can tell students that they can do things whenever they want, but half should be turned in Wednesday and the other half by Sunday. How they want to break that up is still up to them. And they will quickly find that waiting until Wednesday night to do all of the reading and storytelling would be impossible every week.

Expand the Story Planning Option
I love this one! The story planning was an awesome mid-semester addition! It helped me out a lot the week that I decided to try it. I didn't have a Storybook, but I can see how it would be immensely helpful for those.

Create more audio recordings
Good idea! I didn't use any of the audio recordings this year, but this is a great way to incorporate everyone's individual learning styles. That is kind of you to offer to do this!

Create writing tutorial videos
YES! I am such a visual person. I am a huge fan of Kahn Academy and I can see how these would be helpful for your future students!!

Create thematic reading units.
I think this is a great idea too. Sometimes the reading options felt so broad that I didn't know where to start. It was fun to explore my options, but it was a little overwhelming at first. A sense of direction with themed units would be fun!

I'm excited to see how this class continues to grow. I had a great time with it this semester. It was a fun, creative break from my other classes. I wish you the best of luck developing it for future students!

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