Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Reading Notes: Epified: Mahabharata videos, Part E

Mahabharata Episode 36 - Subhadra wins over Draupadi
Everyone welcomes Arjun home
He is worried how Draupadi is going to feel about Subhadra
He sends Subhadra as a maid to Draupadi and they become great friends
Draupadi consents to the marriage...yay!

Mahabharata Episode 37 - Birth of Abhimanyu
Arjun and Subhadra get married
Subhadra announces that she's pregnant
Arjun tells Subhadra a story concerning being a warrior...little do they know that the baby is taking in all of this information and is the beginning steps of the warrior he will become
BUT he didn't hear the whole story because Subhadra fell asleep

Mahabharata Episode 38 - The Slaying of Jarasandha
Yudhisthir is supposed to perform the yagya, but he is afraid that there might be horrible consequences
He invites Krishna for advice
Krishna reminds Yud of Jarasandha...he will never approve and needs to be killed
Bhim notes that their combined strengths can take down Jarasandha
They go to his palace and challenge him to fight
Bhim breaks him into two....then the two pieces come back together
He does it again and throws the parts in different directions

Mahabharata Episode 39 - Yudhisthir Becomes King
Yud's coronation
During the yagya, there is some drama
Shishupal disses everyone and offends Krishna and the Pandavas
-more drama-
Krishna has Shisupal's head removed
Yud is crowned king

Mahabharata Episode 40 - Duryodhan's Humiliation
Big party
Yud & Draupadi take the holy bath
Duryodhan is extremely envious and clearly has a lot of hate in his heart
I've noticed that jealousy is a common theme in the Mahabharata.
Duryodhan is embarrassed several times by the pools and crystal floors...poor guy can't catch a break.
This part made a lot more sense to me than it did in the original Mahabharata. Although there are deeper underlying meanings, the surface level of this scene reminds me of myself on a bad day. It could be humorous to create a story based off of this with just an ordinary person having a series of unfortunate events.

Mahabharata Episode 41 - Shakuni's Evil Plan
Duryodhan leaves and continues to think about the embarrassment
He is furious and plans revenge against the Pandavas
It is sad to see how much envy Duyodhan has for the Pandavas. It really made me think!
They create the gambling scheme
"The dice would be deadlier than the sword"
There is an opportunity here to create a story about other types of addiction

Mahabharata Episode 42 - Yudhishthir Gambles
Vidur invites the Pandavas to come gamble and they travel to Hastinapur
They made a huge court especially for this gambling match
Yudhishthir loses everything

Mahabharata Episode 43 - The Gambling Match
Yudishthir wages his brothers and he can't stop
He wagers himself.....and loses again
He has lost everything and continues to spiral downward. Instead of stopping, he continues to bet more things. Again, it would be interesting to create a story about addiction.

Mahabharata Episode 44 -Draupadi at Stake

Yudishthir is fooled to believe that he could get out of his slavery by wagering Draupadi
This scene made me so sad, just as it did when I read it the first time!
It breaks my heart that Yudishthir could wager the love of his life that way. I can't even begin to imagine how she felt when she received the news. I'm tempted to write a story from this perspective!

(The game that turns disastrous for the Pandavas. Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Title: The Mahabharata: Karmic Revolution (Part E)
Author: Epified TV (India)

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