Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Reading Notes: Twenty Jataka Tales, Part B

The Two Pigs
I had read someone else's story that was based off of this tale, so I was excited to read it. I really liked it! The sweet pigs taught the people a lesson of love and also touched on the fact that we should not fear departing the world, because of the love we will find after.

The Patient Buffalo
This story tells the tale of the patient buffalo who lets an annoying monkey climb all over him. His patience ends up benefiting him and all of those around him!

The Sarabha

This tale is about enemies putting their differences aside and helping each other. I really love this theme and would love to make a story out of it. It would be easy to create new characters, yet incorporate the same theme.

The Goblin Town

In this story, hundreds of men are lured in by beautiful women. One man discovers that the women are actually goblins and tries to warn the others. Some believe him and others don't. Those who believe are carried away to safety. This almost reminds me of Noah's Ark! It would be fun to write a story with this same type of theme!

The Great Elephant

This story was very sad! A sweet elephant tells hungry travelers that there will be an elephant for them to eat.....and then he kills himself so they can eat him. It was a very sad story but a powerful one about selfless love!

The Quarrelsome Quails

In this story, the King quail teaches the others how to escape capture, but they all must get along! When two quail get in a fight, they are captured and others escape. This teaches us that some things that anger you really aren't worth the fight.

The Forest Fire

This tale was also pretty sad. A little quail was left behind to be devoured by a fire when the rest of his family escaped. The quail vocalizes his vulnerability and the fire backs away. Many little ones are saved and everyone is happy!

The End of the World

As expected, this story kind of reminded me of Chicken Little. A little hare believes the world is ending and gets all of the animals worked up. Rumors and fright spread like wildfire. This is an important lesson to remember these days with everything that goes on in the media.

The Golden Goose

The theme of this story was not as obvious as the others. My main takeaway was to not fear time. I far time far too often. I think about the short time we have on this earth and spending it with those I love and making the most of the time I have here. This story reminded me that if I love those around me and bring happiness to them, what does it matter if time goes on?

The Noble Horse
This was a sweet story. The noble horse sacrifices his life so his rider can capture the kings. However, when he dies he expresses his wishes that none of the kings be killed. He brings peace to all!

(I love elephants, especially the one from the tale of The Great Elephant!)

: Twenty Jataka Tales
Author: Noor Inayat (Khan)
Illustrator: H. Willebeek Le Mair
Year: 1939

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