Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Reading Notes: Epified: Mahabharata videos, Part F

Mahabharata Episode 45 - Draupadi Disrobed
Draupadi is in shock. She feels so she should.
They strip Draupadi down, ready to take any last ounce of dignity
Draupadi prays to Krishna for help
They keep pulling her dress, but it never ends
Bhim jumps up to help (finally)
The Pandavas are furious and essentially declare war between the cousins

Mahabharata Episode 46 - Pandavas Exiled
The cousins make another plan....again about gambling.
They call the Pandavas up again for another game of dice
The Pandavas know that its a trap and they will lose but they go anyways....I don't understand why
The Pandavas have to spend 12 years in exile and the 13th year in hiding
I definitely got confused on this part during the Mahabharata. I understand it a lot better now!
Duryodhan has complete control now

Mahabharata Episode 47 - Pandavas Exile Begins
The Pandavas are ready for revenge but obviously they have to wait at least 13 about patience!
Krishna urges the Pandavas to start war with their cousins, but Y says not yet
The rakshasa who's brother Bhim killed attacks Bhim. The brothers unite to kill the beast and are reminded of their great combined strength

Mahabharata Episode 48 - Krishna Meets The Pandavas
Krishna feels bad that he couldn't help the Pandavas and blames himself
He pledges his support to the Pandavas in war

Mahabharata Episode 49 - Arjun Receives Shiva's Weapon
The Pandavas struggle to live in exile
They start fighting...inevitable
They welcomes saints and sages and were welcoming to all
Arjun tries to obtain the celestial weapons he needs from Shiva by devoting himself to prayer
Arjun fights the hunter over who killed the boar
Arjun asks Shiva for strength and realizes that the hunter he was fighting was Shiva
Shiva gifts Arjun
This scene has an interesting twist! You never know who you are talking to. I think this would make an interesting story

Mahabharata Episode 50 - Arjun Meets Indra

Other gods visit Arjun
Indra invites Arjun to heaven
The chariot takes Arjun
There is a great feast and entertainment
Arjun feels unfulfilled and wants to go back to his brothers

Mahabharata Episode 51 - Urvashi's Curse
Indra thinks Arjun loves Urvashi...a horrible misunderstanding
She gets excited and visits him late at night
She confesses her love and Arjun is absolutely shocked
Arjun respectfully declines
Urvashi curses him to be unloved by women
The other Pandavas are continuing to travel

Mahabharata episode 52 - Bheem meets Hanuman

Bhim goes to fetch flowers for Draupadi
He finds a monkey that is more powerful than him
He discover that the monkey is Hanuman, his brother

(The Pandavas begin collecting celestial weapons to help them in the upcoming war. Source: Pixabay)

Title: The Mahabharata: Karmic Revolution (Part F)
Author: Epified TV (India)

1 comment:

  1. I have yet to watch the Epified Mahabharata, but it looks super interesting. Specifically from the bits you took notes on in this post, have you thought about potentially exploring Krishna's relationship with the Pandavas in other stories? Or perhaps his role as a God who meddles and takes sides in human affairs? Personally that's one of the main themes of the epic that have always fascinated me.
